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Nectarine & Black lime Cheesecake

By Camilla Jesholt Buffatti

Nectarine & Black lime Cheesecake by Camilla Jesholt Buffatti

Nectarine & Black lime Cheesecake by Camilla Jesholt Buffatti.

Who is Camilla Jesholt Buffati.

From her childhood, transfixed by the pastry parlours of her native Copenhagen, to a place as one of the most innovative dessert creators today.
Danish born Camilla, niece of Poul Nejlund, Hair stylist to the Queen of Denmark, grew up in illustrious surroundings, absorbing art and nature in all its forms, and along the way, refining her culinary skills to reflect her passion for style, design and flavour.
Camilla has recently established her kitchenstudio in Verona, Italy, where she is constantly researching and refining ingredients and stylings in her quest for the development of original and enlightening designs.
Says Camilla “My desserts have a lightness, a seasonal presence, centered on a principal ingredient that I seek to enhance in a balanced way, applying delicately poised aroma, flavour and texture profiles.”
She adds, “I find my inspiration in the contrasts of nature, of form and function, a daydream, a memory, a colour or the shape of everyday life, and it is these elements that I look to exalt and communicate through my work”.

Almond Dacquoise


– 110 g Egg white
– 35 g Granulated sugar
– 90 g Icing sugar
– 90 g Almond flour
– 10 g Flour 00

1. Whip the egg whites in a mixer with a whip attachment. Gradually add the granulated sugar as the egg whites begin to foam.
2. Sift the almond flour and flour 00 together, then gently fold into the whipped egg whites.
3. Place mixture in a piping bag with a round nozzle and pipe onto a silpat or lightly buttered parchment paper on a baking sheet.
4. Bake at 180°C for 14 minutes in a static oven. The dacquoise should be crumbly on the outside, but moist inside.
5. While still warm, cut the dacquoise into a shape that fits your silicon mold. Store in an airtight container until needed.

White Nectarine Coulis


– 300 g Fresh white nectarines, brunoise cut
– 30 g Caster sugar
– Juice of 1 lemon
– 1-2 tsp Black Lime powder (adjust to taste)


1. Combine nectarines, sugar, and lemon juice in a saucepan. Heat gently until sugar has dissolved.
2. Add black lime powder and stir. Blend half of the coulis and mix with the remaining half.
3. Pour into a silicon mold in a thin layer and freeze.

Lime Cheesecake


– 250 g Natural cream cheese
– 150 g Mascarpone
– 100 g Powdered sugar
– 1 Vanilla pod
– Zest and juice of 4 organic limes
– 8 g Gelatin sheets (Bloom 240)
– 500 ml Double cream


1. Mix cream cheese, mascarpone, sugar, vanilla, and lime zest and juice together.
2. Bloom the gelatin in cold water for 10 minutes, then dissolve it in a bit of warm double cream. Allow to cool slightly before adding to the cream cheese mixture.
3. Whip the double cream until it forms soft peaks, then fold into the cream cheese mixture.
4. Pipe the mixture into silicon molds, filling each to 2/3 capacity. Insert strips of the nectarine coulis into the cheesecake filling, then top with the almond dacquoise.
5. Cover the molds with cling film, with the almond dacquoise side down. Freeze until needed.

Vegetal Glaze (Optional)


– 15 g Vegetal gelatin
– 225 g Water
– 25 g Granulated sugar


1. Combine gelatin powder, sugar, and water in a saucepan. Bring to a brief boil.
2. Let cool, then use at about 55°C.

Panna Cotta Quenelle


– 250 g Double cream
– 25 g Caster sugar
– 8 g Carrageenan
– 0.5 tsp Vanilla powder


1. In a saucepan, combine sugar and carrageenan, then gradually add the double cream and vanilla powder. Bring to a brief boil.
2. Pour into a ‘quenelle’ silicon mold and freeze for 6 hours.

Oat Streusel


– 75 g Butter, softened
– 75 g Caster sugar
– 135 g Thin oat flakes
– Pinch of salt


1. Beat butter and sugar until pale. Add oat flakes and a pinch of salt, then mix to form a dough.
2. Roll the dough to a 2mm thickness between two sheets of baking paper, then freeze for 5-10 minutes.
3. Remove the top sheet of paper and bake the dough on an oven tray at 160°C until light golden and firm (about 10-15 minutes).
4. Let cool, then roughly crumble into a streusel. Store in an airtight container.



– 100 g Fresh yellow nectarines, cut into round balls and wedges
– 150 g Fresh yellow nectarines, peeled and pitted
– 15 g Caster sugar
– Juice of 1 lemon


1. Optional: For marinated nectarines, bring 100 ml water, 50 g sugar, and juice from half a lemon to a boil. Let cool, then marinate the nectarine balls in the syrup under vacuum for approximately half an hour.
2. Combine the peeled and pitted nectarines, sugar, and lemon juice in a saucepan. Bring to a brief boil, then blend and strain. Store in a squeeze bottle for use.


1. Let the cheesecake and panna cotta quenelle defrost on the plate.
2. Add the rest of the elements just before serving.
3. Garnish with fresh verbena leaves and a sprinkle of black lime.

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